Connecting Hearts

Connecting Hearts subheadline
What is Connecting Hearts?

PRJ’s ‘Diverse Communities Racial Justice Collaborations’ (Connecting Hearts) is an arts and interactive conversation based initiative, bringing together multi-racial religious leaders and congregants, together with a growing number of other community members from a wide array of backgrounds, who desire to see themselves as cycle-breaking agents of change. Together, whether in their worship spaces or other venues, participants engage in PRJ-created programs with the intention of connecting hearts, exploring the spiritual nature of our true identity and discovering what we can do to become effective protagonists toward the elimination of racism and othering in America.

DCRJC is a grassroots co-creating, community building movement.

The movement welcomes everyone.

Each participant recognizes:

  • the spiritual nature of this work
  • the truth of our shared humanity
  • that the call of the age is movement towards the oneness of mankind
  • that oneness is expressed within the context of our diversity which we respect and celebrate
  • that unity must be built on a foundation of equal justice for all
  • that creating a more just community begins within each of us
  • that establishing justice is a long and thorny road but playing our part toward that end is joyous, purposeful and brings hope
  • that we will reach out to share this vision, intentionally seeking loving engagement without regard to race, ethnicity, gender or other construct that divides

Eliminating Racism. Connecting Hearts.

Jordan Lake Park, Seaforth Shelter #9 North Carolina

Please join us as we work to build connections and eliminate racism. In today’s world, we must connect and educate ourselves to unite our communities. PRJ has been invited to […]
