Oneness Chat: The Klansman Next Door

An enlightening discussion that delves deep into the subtleties of racism in America. Together we’ll engage in a meaningful dialogue on translating awareness into action in everyday life.

Spirit of Blackness: The Power of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. It is a conscious and deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward someone who has harmed you. Practicing isn’t easy, […]

Deconstructing Anti-Blackness: Celebrating Black Culture

One of the pillars of racism has been persistent attempts, over the past four centuries, to establish the false narrative of white supremacy through the demonizing of blackness. The irony of such a distorted narrative has been the simultaneous appropriation of every aspect of black culture, which lies at the root of virtually every form of American art and expression. Join us as we explore this question: How can we love the expression of a people while denigrating the people themselves?