Oneness Chat: The Klansman Next Door
An enlightening discussion that delves deep into the subtleties of racism in America. Together we’ll engage in a meaningful dialogue on translating awareness into action in everyday life.
Eliminating Racism. Connecting Hearts.
Join us in our efforts to foster meaningful connections and eradicate racism from our communities. In today’s interconnected world, it is crucial for us to come together, educate ourselves, and take action to create inclusive and unified communities.
Eliminating Racism. Connecting Hearts.
Please join us as we work to build connections and eliminate racism. In today’s world, we must connect and educate ourselves to unite our communities. PRJ has been invited to […]
Connecting Hearts. Eliminating Racism
Join us as we explore together out shared identity.
Eliminating Racism. Connecting Hearts.
Join us as we explore together our shared identity. This program will include an arts-based devotional. A light lunch will be served.
Eliminating Racism. Connecting Hearts.
Join us in person as we explore together our shared identity… Featuring an artistic tribute to Martin Luther King. A light lunch will be served.
Oneness Chat Series with Stephanie Terry and David Hoffman
“Racism is a profound deviation from the standard of true morality.”